„Process line for prefabricated polyester and glass laminate water slide components”.


Project carried out under the Sectoral Operational Programme, Improvement of the Competitiveness of Enterprises, Years 2004 – 2006, Priority 2 – Direct support to enterprises, Measure 2.2 – Support to product and technological competitiveness of enterprises, Sub-measure 2.2.1 – Support to entrepreneurs making initial investments, agreement No. SPOWKP/2.2.1.


„Comprehensive strategy of the development of Pol-Glass on foreign markets”.


Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget under the Regional Operational Programme for the Zachodniopomorskie Province, 2007 – 2013, agreement No. UDA-RPZP.01.03.01-32-002/09-00.


„Construction of a modern plastics plant”.


Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget under the Regional Operational Programme for the Zachodniopomorskie Province, 2007 – 2013, co-financing agreement No. UDA-RPZP.01.01.02-32-032/09-00.